Skin tightening – non-surgical lifting


126.00 BGN910.00 BGN

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Skin tightening – non-surgical lifting


126.00 BGN910.00 BGN

At Derma-Act, non-invasive face, neck and décolletage tightening procedures aim to activate collagen and elastin production to improve skin texture, tonus and density. Apparatus procedures are suitable for all skin types, the application time is relatively short and the results are long-lasting.

For this purpose at Derma-Act Clinics we offer the following therapies:

HIFU – a procedure that uses high-frequency focused ultrasound to rejuvenate the skin. There is not only tightening, as is usually the effect of ultrasound in aesthetic medicine, but also lifting. The procedure is performed using the premium DOUBLO-S system. With it, the thermally coagulated area is wider compared to other devices, which allows a lower temperature to be used, therefore pain is reduced.

The method is used for:

– lifting of the eyebrows;
– lifting of the area under the chin and neck tissue;
– smoothing of nasolabial folds;
– malar face-lifting.

TITAN – is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation therapy that uses light energy to stimulate the building of new collagen fibres. Through the use of safe infrared light, the dermis is heated in depth until it reaches a certain temperature. The heating causes an immediate contraction of the collagen fibers, which respectively leads to skin tightening.


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