Radio frequency lifting TempSure


175.00 BGN280.00 BGN

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Radio frequency lifting TempSure


175.00 BGN280.00 BGN

TempSure® is a non-surgical device procedure that uses radiofrequency energy to tighten loose skin on the face and body. The procedure is designed to minimize facial wrinkles and fine lines, formed by collagen deficiency, as well as reduce the appearance of cellulite in body areas.

TempSure® is performed using tips that safely deliver the radio waves to delicate collagen-deficient areas. The tips are glided over the pre-set areas, which are most often the forehead, glabella, eye contour, mouth contour, and areas with cellulite. TempSure® gently raises the temperature of the skin over a period of time. This heat triggers the body’s natural reaction to produce new collagen. The treatment takes between 30 and 60 minutes for the whole face, and about 30 minutes for a specific area.

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