Common myths about acne

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases. Just as common are the myths associated with it. The disease is most common in teenagers, and recently the cases in women over 25 years of age are becoming more frequent.

One of the most common myths is that you should let acne go away on its own.

Many people think that acne is just pimples. A person who has acne may experience any of the following symptoms: comedones (blackheads), white-tipped pimples (whiteheads), papules, pustules (what many people call pimples), cysts, nodules.

Acne may appear on the back, chest, neck, shoulders, upper arms and buttocks.

Studies show that people who have acne may have:

Low self-esteem: Many people who have acne say they feel bad about it. Because of the skin problem, they begin to limit their social contact, skip school or work.

Depression: Acne may lead to depression. Many studies have found that teenagers who believe they have “bad” acne have had suicidal thoughts.

Dark spots on the skin: These spots appear when the acne heals. It may take months or years for them to disappear.

Scars (permanent): People who get acne cysts and nodules often see scarring when the acne clears up. To prevent these scars, be sure to see a dermatologist for treatment as soon as possible after symptoms appear. Starting treatment before cysts and nodules appear is key to preventing scarring

What are the causes of acne?

Acne occurs as a result of several factors. When the skin starts to produce a lot of sebum – an oily secretion that keeps our skin from drying out – dead skin cells can “stick” inside the pores. Instead of rising to the surface, the cells remain in the pores and cause them to clog.

Sometimes, the bacteria that live on our skin (Propionibacterium acnes) also enter the clogged pores. The environment in the pores is extremely favorable for very rapid multiplication of bacteria, which leads to inflammation of the pores (they become red and swollen). If the inflammation affects them deeply, a cyst or nodule appears.

Hormonal factors
Elevated levels of androgens are thought to be the main cause of acne.
Androgen is a type of hormone, the levels of which rise when puberty begins. In women, it turns into estrogen.
An increase in androgen levels causes the growth of sebaceous glands under the skin. An enlarged gland produces more sebum. Excessive sebum may break down the cell walls in pores, causing bacteria to grow.

Some research suggests that genetic factors may increase the risk of acne.

Other possible causes may be:

  • прием на някои лекарства, които съдържат андроген и литий
  • мазна козметика
  • хормонални промени
  • емоционален стрес
  • менструация

Treatment depends on how severe and persistent the acne is.
Most acne treatments are applied topically to the skin. Some products help kill bacteria. Others work on reducing oily sebum. A topical medication may contain a retinoid, benzyl peroxide, an antibiotic, or even salicylic acid. To find the right treatment for your case, you should consult a dermatologist.
Medicines that are taken orally are prescribed for more severe forms of acne. This type of treatment is usually needed for acne with cysts and nodules. Antibiotics (help against bacteria and reduce inflammation), birth control pills and other drugs that work on hormones (may be helpful for women) and isotretinoin are used.

Procedures used for acne therapy:

Laser therapy: They reduce P. Acnes bacteria and reduce inflammation. They also have a beneficial effect on sunken scars formed as a result of past inflammation. The Derma-Act clinic has the latest generation Nd:YAG laser Cutera – Laser Genesis, which is proven worldwide for the successful and effective treatment of acne and post-inflammatory acne scars (reddish, brown and slightly sunken scars). Laser therapy is usually combined with other local and systemic treatment methods to achieve better and longer lasting results.

During the healing process, as a result of the deep inflammation of the middle layer of the skin (dermis), various changes in the structure and colour of the affected area may occur. The change in collagen synthesis leads to atrophy (“sinking”) of the skin and the formation of various types of atrophic scars. The Cynosure Palomar Icon ™ laser system is the latest laser technology that has been shown to be safe and effective in treating this type of scarring.

Chemical peeling: Superficial and medium-depth peeling can be an effective treatment option for patients with mild to moderate acne. Over the past 30 years, the science of chemical peeling has evolved dramatically, improving our understanding of the role of peeling ingredients and their potential to treat acne and acne scarring.

Tips for prevention and home care

Here are some tips for taking care of skin that has or is prone to acne.

Wash your face no more than twice each day with warm water and a mild soap made specifically for acne (there are medical cosmetics on the market that target this problem).

Do not rub the skin or squeeze the pimples, as this can further aggravate the infection, exacerbating the condition.

Avoid squeezing pimples as this makes scarring more likely.

Refrain from touching the face.

Wash your hands often, especially before applying lotions, creams or makeup.

If the acne is on the back, shoulders or chest, try wearing loose clothing to let the skin breathe. Avoid tight clothing such as headbands, hats and scarves and wash them regularly while using them

Choose makeup for sensitive skin and avoid oil-based products. Remove makeup before sleep.

Use an electric razor when shaving. Soften your skin and beard with warm, soapy water before applying shaving cream.

Keep hair clean as it collects sebum and skin flakes. Avoid greasy hair products, such as those containing cocoa butter.

Avoid excessive sun exposure as this can cause the skin to produce more sebum. Several acne medications increase the risk of sunburn.

Avoid anxiety and stress, as they can increase the production of cortisol and adrenaline, which exacerbate acne.

Try to exclude sweets from your menu and reduce the amount of dairy products and chicken meat. Recent studies indicate a link between acne and the hormone content in foods, related to the use of hormones in animal husbandry.